What is the Empowered Girl Experience?

January 10, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Empowering girls sounds like a great idea.  But how does the Empowered Girl Experience put that idea into practice?

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The Empowered Girl Experience seeks to remind girls of who they are, and of the irreplaceable guidance of their own hearts and minds. Using a methodology with foundations in the Socratic Method, Empowered Girl Ambassadors show girls how to look for answers within themselves, and to trust that their own ideas and insights can change the world.

The Empowered Girl Experience consists of an interview with me that helps girls connect with themselves, and inspires them to dream big, and set goals. Once the girls have acknowledged their strengths and weaknesses, we then brainstorm ideas for overcoming some of the things that challenge them. Our topics of conversation might include school, family, relationships, and anything that the girls are passionate about.

Next, we move into a photography experience that helps girls connect with different facets of their personalities. We want girls to know that it's okay to present themselves one way in the classroom, and another way on the sports field or in the dance studio. In preparation, I coach the girls in wardrobe selection, which opens a discussion about the control they have over how they're seen in the world by others.  This is a first step towards teaching them to be responsible with their image on social media and elsewhere.  Together, during the shoot, we'll create portrait-style images, and images that celebrate her favorite extracurricular activity.

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After the photography experience comes the big reveal! The girls view the images, and hear some of their own words and ideas from the Experience Day Interview. We'll discuss how elements from lighting, to posing, to a simple tilt of the head, can change the entire emotion and message of an image. In the extracurricular images, girls are able to see evidence of some of their strengths and weaknesses. This has proven to be especially beneficial for dancers, gymnasts, and anyone involved in an activity that relies on strong physical technique.

Finally, I'll help the girls find images that are reflective of who they are at their core, and how they want to be seen in the world. Our goal is for girls to leave this experience with beautiful portraits of themselves.  These can be displayed in their rooms as a reminder, every morning, of how amazing they felt, and how fabulous they are. To keep them inspired, the girls are also given a one-year membership to our online platform for girls, The Empowered Girl App.  This gives them continuing access to ideas, stories, and tools that will reinforce everything they've discovered in the Empowered Girl Experience. 023_Liz, Maisie, Clara023_Liz, Maisie, Clara

To give your daughter the gift of the Empowered Girl Experience, book her session today!

Book Now, bwBook Now, bw



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